
Darmowe warsztaty online EIPA

European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) zaprasza urzędników szczebla lokalnego, regionalnego i krajowego do udziału w darmowych warsztatach online poświęconych projektowaniu i wdrażaniu innowacyjnych rozwiązań.

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  1. Strategic workforce planning and talent management, 21 June 2022

In view of the shortage of skilled workers, new talent groups must be leveraged, and recruitment processes redesigned. Administration must also position itself as a competitive employer. During this workshop, we will discuss ways of how to create incentives to attract and retain talents as well as develop a strategic approach towards workforce planning. Learn more and register here.

  1. Diverse Workforce and New Work: Inclusiveness and gender mainstreaming, 24 June 2022

Populations worldwide become more and more diverse – so does the workforce inside public administration as we differ with regard to competencies, engagement, values, origin, culture and ethics, age, gender, sexual identity, physical and mental abilities or religious beliefs. This workshop will focus specifically on inclusiveness and promoting staff members with disabilities and the role of Gender Mainstreaming. Learn more and register here.

  1. Green Transition, 28 June 2022 

To pursue the green transition towards more sustainability, public administrations need to assume leading roles in designing and implementing innovative solutions for environmental protection and climate change. In this workshop, we will present good practices and discuss strategies and instruments available to administrations at all levels of government, such as green budgeting and public procurement. Learn more and register here.

  1. Government communication: fit for the future, 5 July 2022 

In times of rapid technological change, increasing complexity and new political and social movements, government communication is facing several challenges. While new technologies have enabled citizens and policy makers to connect to each other, these technologies also had a profound impact on established media systems and the very fabric of democratic governance. In this workshop, we will discuss these changes and challenges, and how governments can respond to (re-)gain trust and foster democracy. Learn more and register here.